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Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 5

Edukasistan.com - Hello semua! pada kesempatan kali ini kita tidak akan membahas materi, tetapi aku akan memberikan Kalian Latihan Soal Grammar Part 5. Ketika kita mempelajari Grammar bahasa inggris, Praktik Latihan soal merupakan salah satu cara yang ampuh untuk mempelancar kamu dalam belajar.

Selain itu bagi kamu yang telah lulus dari sekolah ataupun kuliah tetapi belum dapat menggunakan bahasa inggris, Kamu telah menemukan situs Website yang tepat. Karena disini aku akan memberikan Materi, Latihan Soal, dan Quiz Grammar secara gratis yang dapat kamu akses dimenu navigasi.

latihan soal grammar
Latihan Soal Grammar Part 5

Oke balik lagi ketopik, untuk kesempatan kali ini. Aku akan memberikan Latihan Soal bahasa inggris beserta pembahasannya yang mudah dimengerti oleh semua kalangan. Tanpa banyak basa-basi berikut Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris.

Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Note !!!

  • Untuk Materi Grammar Terlengkap Bisa Lihat Disini
  • Untuk Soal Quiz Grammar bisa lihat Disini

1. ... their Silver Wedding, the party has been perfectly arranged by the couple.
  1. It is held for celebrating
  2. Although it is held for celebrating
  3. Held for celebrating
  4. While it is being held for celebrating
Jawaban : C. Held for celebrating
Kalimat diatas merupakan bentuk past participle. untuk Materi Lengkapnya kamu bisa lihat disini

2. The ambulance ... by a pedestrian cannot come quickly because of the traffic jam.
  1. it was summoned
  2. was summoned
  3. summoned
  4. which summoned
Jawaban : C. summoned
Participial phrase di tengah kalimat diapit koma, jadi tidak boleh ada subjek atau pronoun. Untuk materi lengkapnya bisa kamu lihat disini

3. The student … expelled from the school if he were proven to use narcotics.
  1. would be
  2. was
  3. were
  4. expelled
Jawaban : A. would be
Kalimat merupakan bentuk conditional sentence type 2. Jadi tinggal masukan rumus type 2. Untuk materi lengkapnya bisa kamu lihat disini

4. If the team … a better striker, they would have won the game.
  1. has
  2. had
  3. had had
  4. has had
Jawaban : C. had had
Conditional type III dengan pola S + had + V3 + If + S + would have + O Untuk materi lengkapnya bisa kamu lihat disini

5. The chief accountant ... the monthly report for Seven hours when the director arrived.
  1. had been scrutinizing
  2. has been scrutinizing
  3. had been scrutinized
  4. has been scrutinized
Jawaban : A. had been scrutinizing
Lihat verb arrived di akhir kalimat yang menandakan past time. Kata before berarti event pertama terjadi sebelum event kedua (the director arrived). Maka, tense yang digunakan adalah past perfect tense (aktif, bukan pasif seperti pilihan C). untuk materi lengkapnya silakan lihat disini

6. Many kids refuse to eat healthy food because their parents always ... whatever they like.
  1. let them eat
  2. let them to eat
  3. let them eating
  4. let them ate
Jawaban : A. Let them eat
Let merupakan salah satu causative. Let + Object + Verb 1 Example: Let me go. Untuk Materi lengkapnya silakan kamu lihat disini

7. The building in front of my house ... for a month but it hasn’t done yet.
  1. has repaired
  2. is repaired
  3. is being repaired
  4. has been being repaired
Jawaban : D. has been being repaired
Bangunan tersebut telah diperbaiki selama sebulan tetapi hingga saat ini masih dan sedang diperbaiki maka menggunakan tenses perfect continuous. Untuk materi lengkapnya, bisa kamu ihat disini

8. Have you told your friend ... I like, that I want to come to her home tonight?
  1. whom
  2. whose
  3. who
  4. with whom
Jawaban : A. whom
menjelaskan tentang orang yang saya suka, yang kedudukannya merupakan objek sehingga menggunakan relative clause whom. Untuk materi lengkapnya, bisa kamu lihat disini

Reading 1 for question number 9-10

On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to land on the moon. Perhaps inspired by this major event and earlier space flights, science fiction writers in the late 1960s and 1970s wrote a countless number of stories about people traveling to space for a vacation. Many people at that time believed that families in the early 21st century would routinely take trips to the moon for sightseeing, and popular movies and TV shows fueled this belief. Take the example of 2001: A Space Odyssey which was released in 1968. This movie had a famous scene that showed businessmen traveling through space.

In the 1980s space travel for ordinary people was not as widespread as writers and artists imagined in the 1960s. However, in the 1980s civilian expeditions into space had begun. This is illustrated by United States’ decision to send several politicians into space to help them better understand the activities of NASA – America’s space agency. Christa McAuliffe, a school teacher, was scheduled to travel on the space shuttle and teach her class from space. After she was tragically killed in a shuttle accident, NASA delayed sending civilians into space for a long time. Because they were traveling to space for a specific purpose, these people were not really “space tourists” but they were civilians who flew to space.

By the late 1990s space tourism for an exclusive set of people became a reality. A commercial space company called MirCorp was having problems and it desperately needed money. The company therefore decided to sell tickets for space flights. It was an American businessman named Dennis Tito who bought the first ticket from MirCorp, and in April 2001 he flew to the International Space Station. Despite strong resistance from NASA, Tito stayed at the International Space Station for seven days. After Tito’s space trip, two more fortunate people bought tickets and also visited the space station. More trips were planned but these were cancelled or delayed after the space shuttle Columbia had an accident in 2003 while returning to Earth and all the astronauts aboard were killed.

In 2006, space tourism resumed and Russia’s space agency again sold tickets to those who wanted to travel to space. Despite the resumption of space tourism, Russia’s space agency announced in 2011 that it would not carry space tourists again until 2013. Although many people dream of becoming a space tourist, ticket prices are currently very expensive (around 20 to 25 million dollars US), so taking their family on vacation to the moon may have to wait for now.

9. According to the article, why were the civilians who went to space in the 1980s not really space tourists?
  1. Their trips were delayed.
  2. They were going to space to do a job.
  3. They were not trained properly.
  4. They did not pay enough money.
Jawaban : B. They were going to space to do a job.
the civilians who went to space in the 1980s not really space tourists because they were going to space to do a job. Lihat paragraf pertama.

10. According to the article, who objected to allowing tourists to travel to the International Space Station?
  1. MirCorp.
  2. An American businessman.
  3. America's space agency.
  4. Dennis Tito.
Jawaban : C. America's space agency.
America's space agency objected to allowing tourists to travel to the International Space Station. Lihat paragraf ketiga.

Nah seperti itu lah 10 Latihan Soal Grammar beserta Pembahasannya, buat kamu yang pingin mempelajari Materi lainnya seperti SBMPTN (Soshum atau Saintek), CPNS, PKN STAN. Silakan klik di menu navigasi, disana sudah aku bikin materinya.

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