Soal Quiz Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 4 - Hello guys! pada kesempatan kali ini kakak akan memberikan Kalian Soal Quiz Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 4. Tujuannya apa sih aku memberikan Quiz Grammar ini? Tujuannya si jelas, untuk mengukur kemampuan kalian itu udah sampe sejauh mana.
Nah disoal quiz nanti terdapat tombol skornya buat melihat poin kamu ya! Oke tanpa banyak basa-basi, Berikut Soal Quiz Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 4.
Quiz Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris
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Soal Quiz Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 4 |
- Untuk Materi Grammar terlengkap lihat dimenu navigasi
- Untuk Kumpulan Latihan Soal Grammar lihat dimenu navigasi
- The role of a geologist varies not only with his area of specialization, but also ... the occupational specialties.
- One of my sister lives in Jakarta and … lives in Canberra continuing her study.
- While travelling to Mexico, the newlyweds … the site of the Aztec.
- Before we checked out of the hotel, the sales manager told us that the bill …
- Mariah Carey, accompanied by other judges, … deliberating to decide the winner of American Idol now.
- The man decided to resign from his job … his proposal of increasing the salary was rejected.
- If biennials were planted this year, they will be likely to bloom next year.
- The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises
- Anthropologists assert that many of the early Native Americans who lived on the Plains did not engage in planting crops but to hunt, living primarily on buffalo meat.
- The differential of the sun and the moon have a direct effect in the rising and falling of the tides.
Nah seperti itu lah kumpulan Soal Quiz Grammar, buat kamu yang pingin mempelajari Materi lainnya seperti SBMPTN (Soshum atau Saintek), CPNS, PKN STAN. Silakan klik di menu navigasi ya disitu telah aku bikin materinya.
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