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Difference between Social and Legal Norms

Edukasistan.com - Hello everyone! In our daily lives, we often interact with various norms that govern our behavior. However, not all norms are created equal. We need to understand the difference between social and legal norms to live harmoniously in this complex society.

Table Of Contents

    Understanding the difference between social and legal norms is essential because they have different roles in regulating the behavior of individuals and groups. Social norms are unwritten rules that develop in society as a guide for social interaction.

    Meanwhile, legal norms are official rules set by the government or legislative body to regulate the behavior of citizens. In this article, I will discuss the definition of social and legal norms and their differences.

    • Social norms and legal norms have significant differences.
    • Social norms come from the customs and traditions of society, while the government creates legal norms.
    • Social norms are applied voluntarily, while legal norms must be obeyed compulsorily.
    • The purpose of social norms is to maintain harmony and stability in society, while the purpose of legal norms is to maintain justice and order.
    • The consequences of violating social norms are usually only social stigma while violating legal norms can result in more severe legal sanctions.

    Definition of Social Norms

    Social and Legal Norms
    Difference between Social and Legal Norms

    Social norms refer to unwritten rules that develop as guidelines for daily social interactions. Examples of social norms include greetings when meeting others, keeping a distance when talking to others, or giving seats to the elderly on public transportation.

    These norms are fundamental in shaping relationships between individuals and groups in society. They help create a shared agreement on what is considered right or wrong, polite or impolite, and help maintain harmony and stability in the community.

    Legal norms are official rules set by the government or legislature to govern the behavior of citizens. Examples of legal norms include prohibitions against theft, murder, or drug use.

    These legal norms are more vital than social norms because they are based on laws and can be enforced with punitive sanctions if violated. They aim to maintain social order and justice and protect vulnerable individuals and groups.

    Usually, violations of social norms result in social stigma or isolation from a group, while breaches of legal norms can result in more severe legal sentences such as fines, imprisonment, or even the death penalty.

    1. Origin

    The first difference between social norms and legal norms lies in their origin. Social norms develop naturally in society through interactions between individuals and groups. The government or legislature needs to establish them formally.

    Legal norms, on the other hand, are created by the government or legislature as official rules that all citizens must follow. Establishing legal norms involves drafting laws, public debate, and ratifying by the legislature.

    2. Application

    The second difference lies in the way they are applied in society. Social norms have no formal enforcement mechanism. They depend on individual awareness and adherence to these rules. Violations of social norms are usually met with social stigma or exclusion from the group.

    On the other hand, legal norms have a formal enforcement system through law enforcement officials such as police, prosecutors, and courts. Violations of legal norms can result in punitive sanctions such as fines, confinement, or even the death penalty.

    3. Purpose

    The third difference is the purpose of social norms and legal norms. Social norms aim to maintain harmony and stability in society and form relationships between individuals who respect and understand each other.

    Meanwhile, the primary purpose of legal norms is to maintain order and justice in society and protect vulnerable individuals and groups. They also aim to prevent criminal or other harmful behavior.

    4. Consequences

    The final difference is the consequences of violating social norms and legal norms. Violations of social norms are generally met with non-punitive consequences such as social stigma or exclusion from certain groups.

    However, violations of legal norms can result in more severe consequences. Punitive sanctions such as fines, confinement, or even the death penalty can be given to violators of legal norms.


    Understanding social and legal norms helps us interact with others and obey existing rules. It is essential forining harmony and stability in society, as well asining justice and order.

    In our daily lives, we must understand the difference between social and legal norms to live harmoniously in this complex society. Social norms are unwritten rules that develop in society as a guide for social interaction, while legal norms are official rules set by the government or legislative body.

    The difference lies in their origin, application, purpose, and consequences. Understanding this difference will help us interact with others and maintain compliance with the rules.

    In conclusion, we must realize that understanding the difference between social and legal norms is crucial in our daily lives. By understanding this difference, we can respect societal values and maintain order and justice in our communities.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. What are Social Norms?

    Social norms are rules that apply in society that govern the behavior of individuals in social interactions.

    2. What are Legal Norms?

    Legal norms are rules the state makes and have legal sanctions if violated.

    3. What is the difference between Social Norms and Legal Norms?

    The main difference between social norms and legal norms is that social norms are unwritten and do not have legal sanctions, whereas legal norms are written and have legal sanctions if violated.

    4. Examples of Social Norms?

    Examples of social norms are good manners in speaking, respecting elders, and not smoking in public places.

    5. Examples of Legal Norms?

    Examples of legal norms are prohibiting criminal acts such as theft, murder, and fraud.

    6. Are Social Norms and Legal Norms interrelated?

    Yes, social and legal norms are interrelated because social norms can form the basis of legal norms. In addition, legal norms can also influence social norms in society.

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